omron 10 series bp785
Blood Pressure Monitor Omron BP785
What do you know about high blood pressure ?

High blood pressure or hypertension is a chronic disease that is most often found . A person is considered hypertensive when re-examination of their blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mm Hg .
There are two types of hypertension :
Hypertension Primary / essential where there is no specific thing that is the cause . Approximately 90-95 % of hypertension are of this type.
Secondary hypertension , ie hypertension caused by other diseases or disorders , such as stress , kidney disease , preeclampsia , or apnea ( difficulty breathing during sleep ) .

Various studies have shown that hypertension increases the risk of death and disease , and one in three American adults has high blood pressure . If no treatment , approximately 70 % of patients will die from chronic hypertension or coronary heart failure , 15 % of the affected brain tissue damage , and 10 % had renal failure . Fortunately , increased awareness and control of hypertension have reduced the risk by 50 % .

How to Know the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

1 . A visit to the doctor
Primary high blood pressure usually does not cause symptoms until it becomes chronic hypertension . The discovery of hypertension is usually detected after a visit to the doctor and regular checkups. Some of the symptoms of primary hypertension that may be felt among others, headaches upon awakening in the morning, frequent heart palpitations , blurred vision , hematuria , and bleeding from the nostrils .
Secondary hypertension indicates that the same trend , with a slight difference in blood pressure usually drops when the measurement is done in a standing position .

2 . Measure blood pressure with Omron 10 Series BP785 
If you want to know the blood pressure but does not need to see a doctor, you need a tool that allows you to measure your blood pressure is Omron 10 Series BP785.
Omron BP785 is recommended the physicians and paramedics, as Omron BP785 is very accurate in reading your blood pressure data .

How to Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure?

Basically to reduce high blood pressure or hypertension by treating the main cause of hypertension. Although primary hypertension has no specific cause, but there are a number of risk factors that lead to its presence.

Here are the things that reduce the risk of hypertension :
1. Healthy lifestyles
Healthy lifestyle greatly reduces developing hypertension , stop smoking , lose excess weight, set the intake of sodium less than 100 mmol / day, and exercise between 30-45 minutes per day .

2 . With the help of medication, try to control blood pressure no higher than 140/90 mmHg ( or 135/85 mm Hg if diabetic ). There are three general categories of antihypertensive drugs, which are used to reduce blood volume (diuretic), suppress vascular resistance (vasodilators) and reduced cardiac work (cardioinhibitory).


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